Friday, December 24, 2010

Clarity, commitment, consistency.

1) Get clear: If you can't state with clarity the kind of job, relationship, friends, and life you want do not pass go, do not collect $200. You will be lost until you do. Take an hour, (get a glass of something if you must), make your lists, and prioritize what is important in each of those arenas - you'll need that for the next step.

2) Make a commitment: When you know what matters to you, and how those things stack up against each other, you can commit to a course of action. If you've decided that right now is the time to make the leap for home ownership, then naturally taking a higher paying job trumps being able to work from home 2 days a week. But keep your eyes open - you might be able to have it all.

3) Be consistent: Once you're clear on your values, your purpose and your needs and you've committed, make choices that are in alignment with your values, purpose and needs. Surround yourself with a community of friends and family who are also clear on what your intentions are and who can support you as you move with laser focus. Taking one step at a time in the direction of your goals with consistency will ensure that you meet them.

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